I think it should be more available as an endgame option after you've done all witch/castle upgrades and don't have anything else to spend quartz on, that's why I think it should be so high. No matter how much i enjoyed this game the inability to make any progression other then passives ate at me, you can unlock and upgrade passives but other then that have no control over how you play, 815|Shouldabeen for you 30k sounds small, i don't think i got that amount in the entire time playing this game, i just kept not getting far, the rouge-likes\lites i like playing are like endless dungeon where the only control you get is how you start, i just wish this game had that.
Skul hero slayer update#
Originally posted by darthdud0:i just hate not being able to pick a starting skull, it drove me crazy not being able to feel like anything got done, you can unlock new skulls but at no point can you select them, you might like random skulls but i don't, it drove me away from the game, i only saw the big update to the weaker skulls and thought "cool, i might give this a try again" then remembered "you won't see half of those skulls" and decided not to play it again,